Christmas at Shizouka-Ken
Woah! for the first time i will not be spending my christmas eve with my
family tsk tsk so sad but it will be my first christmas to spend with myhusband hehe.
Christmas here in Japan is very lonely, very different on how "pinoys"
celebrate christmas. Anyway, we go to Shizouka-Shi yay! I really like
their displays.. here is the pic taken by my phone cam
Display every 6 pm. Most of the people who watched it are young couple
Japanese, They are really amazed they go "ooooohhhh" haha every time
the water changed position
and who was the guest artists but they perform well. Their voice suits the
christmas ambiance :D
We stayed there until 8pm and then we go home b'coz we need to
cook our noche buena! which is SPAG, CHICKEN and Fruit salad
hahaha and we did'nt wait until 12, we sleep right after we ate bcoz
we are soooo tired from walking!
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